Monday, November 21, 2011


New Orleans Police Department has become corrupt over the last 10 years. It is said that the officers are not paid enough so it makes them feel like they can do what they feel like doing. Officers from New Orleans do as much as rape people, beat people, and even get paid for keeping secrets about drug stashes from their department. This article says that the department is very stressed because of all of the corruption. I do not blame the department for feeling this way at all. After something like this happens it seems almost as if you would not know how to handle it. And the worst part of it all is that it all just keep happening. In a situation like this you cannot just keep firing and hiring employees because you can't find people who are trained in law enforcement just down the street. Being a police officer takes a lot of training and work. This article states that eight different officers were arrested in only a six month period. This is not a coincidence. This is officers who are not getting paid enough so they do what they want. It is beyond unfair that some officers are using the label of a police officer just to get into women's houses so that they can rape them. Some officers are even kidnapping. These cops arrest people daily for doing all of the crimes that they are commiting. New Orleans police department is so corrupt and only seems to be getting worse. I would love to keep researching on this topic to find out more about 2011 to see where is it going now and if it is getting better or worse.

Monday, November 14, 2011

John Beemer


     New Years of 2011 John Beemer was involved in a two car crash. Beemer was highly intoxicated while driving on Gratiot and Orr in Thomas Township. Beemer was not on duty but in my opinion should not have been doing such a thing when he pulls people over every night for doing exactly what he was doing. The other car involved had several injured passengers in it and they were sent to the hospital. The reason I chose to write about this is because I have one specific question: Would Beemer have been punished if there was no other car involved and no one was injured. A lot of times you hear of officers getting away with crimes because of their job title. I strongly feel as if Beemer was only pulled over for drunk driving that the officer would have let him go and just given him a ride home because he would have known the officer.
     Beemer may face charges up to $8,000 because of the new "super drunk" law. Alcohol treatment is also mandatory for him. Beemer has also had previous offenses for driving while intoxicated. This is his second offense. Beemer has not worked since then and I feel that he should never be able to return to any job field involving the law. He deserves the punishment that any other citizen would recieve.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Do Police Officers always follow rules?

     One thing that has always bothered me are hypocrites. Everyone has been one in their life and sometimes it's hard not to but it does happen and it really does irritate me. The main one's that bother me are police officers. Many police officers arrest people for drunk driving every night. How is it fair that those people go to jail for drinking and driving but when police officers drink and drive nothing happens? It's not! How often do you see a cop texting and driving? I've seen it too many times. If it was any other person they would get a ticket for it but most police officers seem to automatically think just because they are cops they can do what they want. And the worst part of it all is that you see it when they are on duty.

This is an article of a police officer who was caught drunk driving. In this particular article the officer was arrested because he did harm someone else. I feel like if he did not harm anyone and was just pulled over for driving poorly that the officer would not have given him a ticket. Not all police officers are this way but it is important for those people to make the right decisions if they are treating people who don't the way they do. It's just respect.

Monday, October 31, 2011



Halloween is a holiday that I have always enjoyed. The thing I do not like about it though is as you age it is almost as if you shouldn't go trick or treating. Last year I went with my best friend and her two cousins. Her one cousin, Logan, has autism and his younger brother, Connor, does not. We all dressed up and went trick or treating. I dressed up as a graduate and Logan was dressed up as Wall-E. Logan loves Wall-e; the video games, the movie, and the character. He loves quoting lines from the movie or explaining plays that happen in the video game. Logan has a mind of his own and is interesting no matter where you are or who you are with. When we went trick or treating I stayed with Logan and my best friend was with Connor. Logan and I moved a little bit slower than Chelsey and Connor but we enjoyed the entire night. He had a great time studying every one's costumes and all the different types of candy. He is very similar to other kids in many ways, he loves candy but does not quite understand or like when people give out things like apples or pop corn. They all just want candy. Logan also liked looking at the pets that people took with them. He loves looking at dogs and explaining how they are similar to the dogs that he has. This link may help you understand how it can be different with a child with special needs but how it is still important for them to be able to enjoy the holiday.

Monday, October 24, 2011



     Parenting someone who has autism is definitely not the easiest thing in the world. It takes a huge amount of patience and a lot of support. The most important thing to remember in my eyes is to treat a child with autism as equal as you would a child without autism. It is definitely not easy because it takes different methods and the children do act different but you can not favor one child over another.
     When the child is younger is when it is the hardest. Autistic children around the age of 5-10 is probably the most difficult. When they are mad they might scream until you can find a way to calm them or they might do something as crazy as hit themselves in the head with objects because they do not know any other way to express their anger. Young autistic children seem to be more violent when under stress than any other child. In a way it seems that children with autism can be very selfish but it is not something that is intentional.
     A boy that I know, named Logan with autism is 10 years old and has a 6 year old brother, named Connor who does not have autism. I really like the way that they are parented because both their mother and their father treat both children equally. If Logan is bad and deserves punishment even if it was because of his autism his parents will give him punishment because they would do the same thing if Connor did something that he should not have. Logan may have different methods of controlling his anger but his parents to not give him any special treats that they would not for Connor. One thing to keep in mind is that children with autism may need more attention that children without autism but that can not be changed. This should not mean that you like one child over the other because they should all be treated equal.
     Something that many people have trouble with is understanding children with autism and this is because a lot of times these children have trouble expressing their feelings. You find this more when the children are lower functioning but you may also find it occasionally with higher functioning autistics. If you tell a joke that most people would find funny, a lot of times someone with autism would not understand the punch line. There has also been arguments that people with autism can not love because some can not speak. Everyone has the ability to love and everyone does it in their own way. Every child is different and it is important to keep the same sense of parenting for every child, no matter the condition.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What is a Sensory Room?


     Sensory rooms are something that most people with Autism have seen before. A simple run down of what a sensory room is would be a place where someone with Autism can be themselves and relax. A good way of describing it to a human would be like getting a massage. It calms you down and relaxes you.
     Last year was the first time I saw a sensory room and it was located at Arrowwood School. When you walk in the room, whether you have autism or not, you automatically feel relaxed. The lighting is low and definitely puts you in a calming mood. There were swings or what is called a 'floating bed' hanging from the ceiling and all kinds of games. A lot of the games involve a  lot of colors to help the children think. There is one game that was especially cool to me and that was a screen that had different colors on them but the trick is that the colors would go on into infinity and never end. You could change the colors by pressing one button and each time I pressed it it would manage to amaze me. There are swings that hang from the ceiling for the children to sit in and be lightly pushed. There was a bed that was also hanging from a ceiling and when you sit in it you actually feel like you are floating. These rooms help autistic children because it shows their creative side. There are also things that involve touching and feeling. They enjoy playing with Play-doh, textures balls, textured walls, materials such as satin, silk, or wool, and even vibrating toys. One thing I have found is that most autistic children do like music but a lot of them like it to be very low and a very calming. In a sensory room you may find music like a nature sound or classical music. Another thing that most sensory rooms have a bean bags, squishy beds, or blankets. This allows the children to feel hugged and calms them down. A lot of times they do not like to be touched by others that are not family but they do enjoy things like bean bags.
   Sensory rooms give children a break from the outside world and let them be alone. Most often 20 to 30 minutes is enough for these children to become relaxed but of course, anyone would want to spend more time in a room full of games and relaxation.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Autism Unemployment

    Today I went to the Walk for Autism at the Freeland Sports Zone center. As I was making laps with a friend of mine who had autism I noticed that he was walking slower than everyone else and that he wasn't really sure why we were walking. Then I looked to another friend of mind who is autistic and noticed that he knew exactly what was going on. He was practically racing around the track compared to everyone else. In fact, he was on lap 30 when my friends and I were only on lap 10. I also noticed some of the children with Autism who could barely do one lap around the gym. This does not make anyone of these children on less value. This just made me realize how every child with autism really is different in their own way.
   When walking around each lap there were signs of sponsors on the side or the track with facts about autism. One sign that especially caught my eye was the one that said "Unemployment rate for individuals with Aspergers Syndrome is 88%" I never really thought about how difficult it would be for one with Autism to become employed. Is it because they can't do things that others might be able to do, or because they don't want to be looked at or treated differently, or is it even because the owner of the business would not accept someone with special needs? Any of these reasons are ob sured. Although some people with autism may act different there is always a job that they are capable of doing, whether it is organizing tables at a restaurant, or even fixing a computer. I believe everyone is capable of having a job it just takes the time to look for one that might be right for you. This process may not be easy but it is definitely worth the shot. I think that all these children need is motivation and hope because with a little bit of it the world becomes a better and happier place. Where could you go wrong in being friendly and caring towards another? You can't.