Sunday, October 9, 2011

Erin Gruwell

     The movie Freedom Writers was an amazing movie before meeting Erin, but after meeting Erin I had a whole different perspective on the movie. It seemed so real. I couldn't believe that it was actually her and she actually went through all of that. Watching the movie you just wonder why Erin didn't give up and after hearing her speak you see how much she loves those kids and how much they changed her life. What I really liked about her also was that she was just an average person who had an extraordinary experience and instead of giving up she kept her determination and chose to find the side of these kids that she knew they had. Erin knew these kids didn't have to be gang members and drug addicts. She saw the positive side and them and worked until she got what she wanted. She never expected to become famous from her experience and that is what makes it so special. I noticed that everytime someone mentioned how she was different, right away she would correct them and say "i'm just like you, you could have done the same thing I did." Erin showed everyone that we all can do what she did. You just have to take the time to care about everyone else. Even after this movie Erin kept giving to others. Even when she spoke at Delta you could tell that she cared about every single person in the audience. When a girl broke down and told her story Erin felt her pain and told her that she could email or call her at anytime, just to talk. Erin also gave her a book so that the struggling young lady could have motivation to change and the strive to never give up. Erin truly is amazing and I am more than glad that I got to see her in person. It was so hard for me not to cry when she was speaking. I think Erin gave everyone an emotion that not most people can give and that is what makes her so special in everyone's eyes.

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